OHM 2013 — The Great Spook Panel

Finally the videos from the whis­tleblower track at the August inter­na­tion­al geek­fest OHM 2013 in the Neth­er­lands are begin­ning to emerge. Here’s one of the key ses­sions, the Great Spook Pan­el, with ex-CIA Ray McGov­ern, ex-FBI Coleen Row­ley, ex-NSA Tom Drake, ex-Depart­ment of Justice Jes­selyn Radack, and myself.

We came togeth­er to show, en masse, that whis­tleblow­ing is done for the demo­crat­ic good, to dis­cuss the (fright­en­ingly sim­il­ar) exper­i­ences we all went through, and to show that whis­tleblowers can sur­vive the pro­cess, build new lives, and even poten­tially thrive.

Here is a great art­icle about the whis­tleblowers at OHM by Silkie Carlo (@silkiecarlo) for Vice Magazine.

With the recent cases of Chelsea Man­ning, Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, respect to the OHM organ­isers who saw the rel­ev­ance of this event so far ahead.